Tuesday, May 3, 2011

masking tape sculpture


  1. I really like the angle of final image of the rat.The reaching and twisting are believable. I'm not sure what you are trying to communicate but the rat's position in first photo looks a little like superman(?). I think the eyes will be very important and I'm excited to see the rat with texture and value.

  2. Sam, I like the angle in the last shot as well.

    My thoughts on the masking tape sculpture:

    This is just a rough draft of my thoughts and I plan to refine them more later.

    I chose the rat because I think rats are scary when they invade your environment. I was hoping to put the rat in a bathroom to cause a reaction in the viewer of surprise and the rat also looks somewhat surprised. I thought it would be interesting to put the rat in an enclosed setting because the over sized nature of the rat and the realistic nature of it would cause a startled reaction to the viewer. In doing so, I am attempting to engage the viewer into expanding the way they normally think about an animal in this setting.
