Tuesday, May 3, 2011

soft sculpture

1 comment:

  1. For my soft sculpture I used a bed to symbolize that society always focuses on the bedroom, which is the intimacy of our lives. The elements in this sculpture are there to represent the misconceptions about gay relationships. The target is on the bed to symbolize that society targets gay relationships. We often feel that our love for each other is the target. This is why the heart is in the middle of the target. Even though the relationship is about the love, many people focus on different aspects of the relationship. The gold fabric is different and is symbolic of kinky or unusual. The lace fabric over red satin is symbolic of over-sexuality and sensualness which is another misconception. The female symbols on the pillows are there to represent obviously two women in a relationship. The camoflage fabric on one side and the pink satin on the other is symbolic of the misconception that one partner is masculine and one is feminine. Burlap is a rough inappropriate fabric for a bed and it is used to symbolize the difficulty that gay people do face in their relationships due to societal pressure. The yellow linen on the remainder of the bed represents the soft, comfortable fabric that belongs on a bed. This is meaningful in that to gay people, their relationships feel completely natural and comfortable.
